HCL-RS (race series)

We never left, so we can’t really be “back”…

3 years ago we were fed up of being played within the LiPo industry. Instead of simply regurgitating the same cells everyone else has and putting different numbers on the cases sticker, we wanted to do better for you. We are a leader and not a follower. The road was tough but nothing worthwhile is easy. But we now have race cells that warrant the label and deliver the performance you demand.

Introducing the HCL-RS line of race packs (High Cycle Life -Race Series). These formulations are not the generic cells/packs you can get with different color stickers on them. These are recipes developed by and for us at an independent factory. While we have recently pushed mAh and C rates for applications like flight packs and speed run packs, the demands of racing are different. These new formulations hold better voltage, sag less under loads seen in off and on road racing by optimizing the IR and mAh per cubic centimeter of the cells.  

We never left, but these new packs will remind you why you’ve missed SMC! 

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HCL-RS 7.6V-6400mAh 120C LiHV  5mm Inboard Hardcase

HCL-RS 7.6V-6400mAh 120C LiHV 5mm Inboard Hardcase

True mAh +/- 5%:      6400mAhVoltage:         ..


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